I know it's like almost one month late to post this, I'm sorry! Better late than never, rrrrright?! :))
Nicky and I wasn't able to have a picture of our very first anniversary :( Boo-to-the-hoo! I just had to share my first year anniversary celebration with Nicky and that day's outfit :D Well, I re-shot this outfit that's why I wasn't able to use the exact accessories and all from the original one. Nonetheless, the clothing are perfectly the actual clothing I actually used :))

My boyfriend and I celebrated our first year anniversary in a simple, tiring, awesome, fun, fun day! We walked from EDSA Shang to Megamall. We ate everywhere and everything. It was one of the best days of my life! Our dinner was also my 2nd time eating in an eat-all-you-can type of way--Saisaki in Dad's. T'was my first time to eat Japanese food, too! Yum! I'm not much of an adrenaline junkie when it comes to food that's why I lack experience when it comes to it. I still need loads of affirmation from loads of people in order to make me eat certain stuff. Ggah, I miss this day. I really wish that we had at least one picture from this day, let alone we're pretty vain on ordinary days :(
On another note, we also bought a really cool lanyard from a stall there. We have matching neon yellow lanyard! What's more awesome is that it looks like a reflector and it would really, really get your eyes' attention! Haha!
Well, that's about the summary of our anniversary. Haha! Toodles!