Preview of my brain. Dump-site of my shits. Piece of me.
13 June 2009
School schmool
Lookie my schedule! :D Ain't it cool, no? Well honestly, I don't like it. LOL. I mean I want it to be a lil similar to Jans' sched so we could hang out often since we'll be studying at the same school, only in different courses (Jans is Accountancy and I'm Dentistry). I miss you Jans! :[
I'm an 18-year-old kid living her ass out happily.
I love life, fashion, colors, smiles, people, school, myself, and internet!
I'm a part dentistry student, part fashion traveler, part business woman, and part optimist! ;)
Suck it up! You're not the one with classes until 9PM and school days during the weekends :l
-Bee :((
HAHAHAHA! LOL! Still the same! :))
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